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ثقف عقلك Ahmad Al Shugairi
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ثقف عقلك
Video views
Video count
Estimated earnings in past 30 days
$ 14 - $ 89
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Date Video views Estimated earnings
14.04.2024 Sun +5,430 $ 2 - $ 12
10.04.2024 Wed +6,046 $ 2 - $ 13
05.04.2024 Fri +7,933 $ 2 - $ 17
01.04.2024 Mon +5,756 $ 2 - $ 12
27.03.2024 Wed +6,131 $ 2 - $ 13
23.03.2024 Sat +8,546 $ 3 - $ 19
19.03.2024 Tue +10,174 $ 3 - $ 22
16.03.2024 Sat +34,302 $ 12 - $ 77
12.03.2024 Tue +37,115 $ 13 - $ 83
08.03.2024 Fri +3,900 $ 1 - $ 8
05.03.2024 Tue +4,063 $ 1 - $ 9
02.03.2024 Sat +8,037 $ 3 - $ 18
28.02.2024 Wed +2,787 $ 1 - $ 6
25.02.2024 Sun +4,517 $ 1 - $ 10

ثقف عقلك biography

Ahmad Al Shugairi, also known as ثقف عقلك (which translates to 'Expand Your Mind'), is a popular Saudi media personality. With his unique style and captivating presentations, he has gained a massive fan base in the Arab world. Through his TV show, ثقف عقلك, Al Shugairi aims to educate and enlighten his audience about various topics, including science, history, culture, and personal development. His show has become a platform for spreading knowledge and promoting critical thinking among the Arab youth.

ثقف عقلك controversies

As a prominent figure in the media industry, Ahmad Al Shugairi has faced his fair share of controversies. One notable controversy arose when he addressed sensitive social issues that sparked heated debates among viewers. Some accused him of being too progressive and challenging traditional norms, while others praised his bravery and openness. Despite the controversies, Al Shugairi has managed to maintain a strong following and continues to inspire his viewers with his thought-provoking content.

ثقف عقلك famous quotes

"اطلبوا العلم من المهد إلى اللحد." (Seek knowledge from cradle to grave.)
"من وثق بربه لا يخاف من جعل الجبال تتحرك." (Whoever trusts in his Lord, he will not be afraid to make mountains move.)
"تشبثوا بتواضعكم حتى لا يُسحَقَ العَرشُ حديدًا." (Hold onto your humility, lest the throne be crushed into iron.)
"قد تأخذ الحياة معك إجازة، عليك أن تأخذ معها من اجتهدت معها." (Life may take a vacation from you, so you must take from it what you have strived for.)
"إذا حلمت الحجارة بأنها تستطيع الطيران، لا توقظها فقد تفقد حياتها." (If a stone dreams that it can fly, do not wake it up, for it may lose its life.)
"يحكى أن أكثر الناس من اشتكى من العالم هم أولئك الذين عانوا في سبيل تغييره." (It is said that the majority of people who complain about the world are those who have suffered to change it.)
"الطريق إلى النجاح، ترابه شبه طيب، فتنه تشغل نصف عقول الناجحين." (The road to success is paved with good soil, but distractions occupy half the minds of successful people.)
"خير نصيحة أعطيت لي في حياتي تتلخص في كونك اربعاً لا يجب أن تصدر عنك: ندامة لا اكتئاب لا حزن لا ألم." (The best advice I have ever been given in my life is that you should not emit four things: regret, depression, sadness, or pain.)
"ما أقسى الشبح الذي يحاصر روح الإنسان وحقيقته الاجتماعية ولا يمكنني أن أشعر به." (How harsh is the phantom that besieges the soul of man and his social reality, and I cannot feel it.)
"أتغنى بشعبي، وأشمت بمجتمعي، ألبس ضبحي، بجبل حياتي، وأعبّر ما بداخلي، في ركح الحشود الكثيرة." (I sing for my people and ridicule my society. I wear my solitude, on the mountain of my life, and express what is inside me, in the presence of the many crowds.)